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Oldham Chimney Breast Removal

Do You Want A Chimney Breast Removal In Oldham ? 

Oldham Chimney Breast RemovalIf you want an effective chimney breast removal in Oldham for an affordable investment in a quick time then make sure to call 0161 401 0226 today ! We are structural specialists who over the course of the past three decades we have became total experts at all structural alterations and repairs including chimney breast removals .

Here in this post we will describe how we perform chimney breast removals , why you should only get an expert to carry out your chimney breast removal and lastly why you need to call us today at 0161 401 0226 today !

How To Complete A Chimney Breast Removal 

Oldham Chimney Breast RemovalThe first step in a chimney breast removal would be to get a structural engineer to create a structural design so that the correct structural support is used , the most common structural support is gallows brackets but small steel beams can also be designed to support the above chimney stack.

Once this design has been completed we would then start implementing our structural propping and support devices above the chimney breast that is to be removed , we would do this to support the above loads such as the chimney stack so it will not collapse .

After the structural props and support devices have been temporarily installed we can then begin removing the brickwork of the chimney breast . We would do this carefully using bolster hammers , brick hammers and a Kango drill .

Whilst we take away the brickwork of the chimney breast we would also be cleaning up the debris from the chimney breast removal simultaneously . Then we would install the permanent structural support such as gallows brackets or a small steel beam . After this we would then safely remove the other structural props and structural supports.

Why You Should Only Use An Expert 

Oldham Chimney Breast RemovalYou should only use an expert to carry out your chimney breast removal because without the experience and skillset of a structural building expert there is no guarantee that this chimney breast will be removed properly and more importantly there is no guarantee that the above loads such as the chimney stack will be supported properly .

Should somebody fail to support the above loads of the chimney breast after they remove this chimney breast the chimney stack could potentially , and probably will , collapse causing major damage to your home and should it land on somebody will cause major injury or worse.

Why You Need To Call Us 

If you want your chimney breast removed and the above chimney stack structurally supported properly after the chimney breast has been removed then you must call us today at 0161 401 0226 .

We are total structural experts who specialise in all structural alterations and repairs including chimney breast removals and over the past three decades we have carried out chimney breast removals hundreds if not thousands of times.

If you click here this will take you to our structural services page on our website which shows we carry out all forms of structural alterations and repairs such as chimney breast removals, lintel repairs , underpinning plus much more.

Furthermore if you click here this will take you to our customer testimonials page where you will see we have over 50 verified customer testimonials that rate us over five stars . So call us at  0161 401 0226 today !

Oldham Chimney Breast Removal

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